Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Gilmore Girls: a Year in the Life Spring

Was Spring really the correct name for this season? Personally, I'd probably rename it to 'the season of awkward moments' 

We start with the awkwardness that is Lorelai and Emily in therapy together, neither of them are particularly eager to actually say anything. I think I'll just skip over this, we all know how great these two are at talking about their problems.

Stars Hollow hold their International Food Festival which doesn't go quite according to plan as many countries don't show up. This cause Taylor to go mildly insane and he insists that all the booths they have need to now need to have food from multiple other counties. We see Mrs Kim and her absolutely appalling choir. A major highlight is finally seeing Mr Kim, he has one second of screen time and no lines, but it feel right to have finally seen him and to know he genuinely exists. There is a website that calls Rory and seem very determined to hire her, although she clearly isn't too keen to take them up on the offer. We are also gifted with a brilliant moment where Kirk gets mad when he witnesses a the cooking of a pig. Luke jumps in to inform Kirk that he eats BLT's at the diner and what the B stands for.

Rory heads back to London to have a meeting with Naomi, who is very drunk and not at all helpful. Rory clearly feels very uncomfortable throughout the entire exchange and we're left feeling like the book isn't going to end up happening. Oh joy, here's Logan again. The two are having a meal together when his father turns up (there have already been a lot of awkward moments so far but this beats them all) Not only does his father completely butt in but he drops a major bomb on up, Logan is engaged. Rory clearly knows this. What are you doing Rory? This isn't you.

Back in Stars Hollow there is a town meeting where Taylor brings up the first Starts Hollow Gay Pride Parade. Apparently the town 'doesn't have enough gays' and are trying to 'borrow some' from the neighbouring towns. We also learn that there is a film being produced in the next town and all the 'B level' actors are staying at the Dragonfly.

Michel is not particularly happy about the fact that it's only the 'B level' actors who are staying at the Dragonfly and goes on a very long and spectacular rant about how the Dragonfly needs to expand and have mini fridges and espresso machines for Daniel Radcliffe.

Unfortunately (or not) we don't actually see Liz and TJ in the revival, but we do hear about them. They are still together which I found surprising but I think we can all be happy for them. The two of them have somehow ended up joining a cult, and not just any cult, a vegetable cult. 

One of the major highlights of Spring is Kirk's second film which is shown at the movie theatre. This was absolutely brilliant and felt so right. The film makes no real sense, the acting is a catastrophe and the 'special effects' haven't been edited. It's a brilliant scene.    

Emily invites Luke over for dinner, so of course Lorelai decides to go with him and is greeted with a super cheery "You weren't invited" from Emily. Luke swallows a bug on the way to the front door and when Emily hears of this she has an other brilliant line of ' Why would you do that?' It turns out that Richard left a large sum of money for Luke to franchise his business. We all remember that disastrous game of golf the two men played back in the day.  

Paris and Rory go to Chilton to be motivational speakers to the students. Rory of course gives an incredibly motivation talk, wearing a pretty dress with the sun shining on her. Paris basically screams at all the students and makes them cry. There is a minor emotional break down on Paris's part in the bathroom where she reveals that her briefcase is empty, 'I thought people would think I was more important for carrying a briefcase' I've always loved the scenes where we get to see some real emotions from Paris as she is a very guarded character. Good old Francie picks the perfect moment to enter the bathroom and quickly gets into a fight with Paris where she declares 'Sorry, did I accidentally step into 2003?' which might be my favourite line from the revival?

The headmaster asks Rory if she's ever considered getting her Masters and that if she did he could offer her a position as a teacher. For some reason I can't understand, she turns him down. Am I the only one who thinks Rory would have made an excellent teacher? She probably could have asked to be a substitute so that she could work on other things at the same time. It also would have given her some stable work and at this point we can all clearly see that she needs it. 

I'd forgotten just how much I love Paris's character. Rory goes back to Paris's house and Doyle arrives soon after. There is a brilliant exchange due to the fact the house is 5 stores high and they don't want to loose the nanny to the stairs. 

Emily takes Luke to look at possible locations for him to franchise his business and lets it slip that she has stopped going to therapy. We all know that Luke has no interest in expanding his business, however, we all know that there is no way he'd ever get a word in.

Rory's book deal goes up in flames and she decides to write a story about 'lines' that she has zero interest in. Lorelai talks some sense into her and she goes to Sandee Says, thinking she's got the job because they have been so determined to have her on their team. Rory shows up completely unprepared for an interview and completely blows it. Whoops.

This definitely wasn't my favourite episode but I still enjoyed it. Paris was brilliant and Kirk's film were the major highlights.    

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